Thursday, November 21, 2019

Liar, Liar, Pants for Hire

Liar, Liar, Pants for Hire Liar, Liar, Pants for Hire It is never okay for a candidate tolie on a resume, but it can become a difficult question when your top pick fabricates his or her professional history. This question then comes into play If the individual is okay with lying about his or her professional past, is he or she morally sound enough for a professional future with your company? One white lie on something as big as a resume is a sure bet that there will be more on corporate projects and daily work. With nearly40 percent of candidates lying on resumesto get the perfect job, it is important to do your research as a recruiter. You can take steps to make sure that you dont get swindled by candidates who falsify facts.Look for the LiesYou may be wondering where the candidates are most likely to lie. Well, with 78 percent of allresumes being misleadingin some way, its pretty easy. People will even go as far as lying on a professional social site, such as LinkedIn. They are l ikely to lie about employment gaps, education, titles, and subject expertise. Candidates stretch the truth aboutemployment gapsin fear of elend being able to explain them well enough.A lie in education could revolve around the specific degree, the school, or even the date of graduation. But all four of these areas of potential misrepresentation can be avoided if you ask the right questions during the interview.Ask the Right QuestionsThis is the best opportunity to verify facts on a candidates resume. If you are unsure of training or information on the application, dont hesitate to authenticate it. If they stateleadership skillsyou are doubtful of, ask them to give examples of their leadership style or a time when their leadership was needed. Projects they led, had a major part, or something similar where the candidate has tangible proof are some good examples of leadership proof. With that being said, it wouldnt be a good idea to simply ask the candidate if he or she is lying. You c an, however, ask technical questions regarding the persons training or qualifications he or she may claim to have.Ask OthersCandidates may not only fabricate technical abilities, there is a chance they could lie about their professional history.Professional referencechecks are quite possibly the best way to overcome these application blunders so you can bypass the candidates that are less than truthful.Contact their references. The candidate gave you their names and numbers for a reason, right? Studies show that 27 percent of people will falsify references, so its best to check up on them. While personal references arent bad, they arent the best if you are concerned with professional falsehoods.Do your ResearchIt is important to dobackground checkson your potential new employees. Candidates may stretch employment time to hide the fact they were fired or downsized, had an illness, or even to conceal jail time. Ten percent of candidates have some sort of criminal past.While this may n ot be problematic in your organization, there are companies who need to ensure there are no skeletons in the closet during the hiring process. Doing background checks will reveal important information regarding criminal pasts the candidate might not allude to. Omitting information like this, well, it may as well be a lie.Also, be sure to use a company that is accredited when you are doing a background check otherwise, you may as well not do one. Since background records check criminal, living, and employment histories, this is a great way to find holes in your candidates resumes.Its not Always Black and WhiteNow, while there shouldnt be lies on any of the resumes you have sitting on your desk waiting for review, most of them wont have the candidates full employment history. Thats okay. Since most resumes arent going to be any longer than one or two pages, you shouldnt expect to know their whole employment history. Its okay if they embellisha littleon their skills. A little being the y have used Microsoft Excel before, but they havent touched it in years. In fact 13 percent of people would at least considerlying on a resume. Candidates may also lie for other reasons, such as a Draconian hiring policy, spotty credit record, or to hide a disappointing former reference. Does your job as a recruiter give them the opportunity to open up about these issues during the initial screening so they arent compelled to hide these things? If they totenstill do, give em the ax.Its not okay to lie on a resume. When all is said and done, it is your call as a recruiter who you decide to hire. You can follow a few easy steps to try and skip those who lie on their resumes or even their applications.Are you willing to hire someone who has lied on a resume simply to get the job?Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

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